Add help outputs to the README

René Jochum 4 years ago
parent 0cb63b008d
commit 2d4eefe5b5

@ -8,19 +8,99 @@ See [the LQL Docs]( for what LQL can do
### localclient - Local LQL Client
requires a local lql unix socket
$ lql-api localclient -h
Local LQL Client
Requires a local lql unix socket.
lql-api localclient [site] [flags]
-c, --columns stringArray Columns to show from the given table, this is required if you give a table!
-d, --debug Enable Debug on stderr
-f, --format string Format one of: python, python3, json, csv, CSV, jsonparsed (default is jsonparsed, I parse json from the server) (default "jsonparsed")
-h, --help help for localclient
-l, --limit int Limit request lines
-s, --socket string Socket on the Server (default "/opt/omd/sites/{site}/tmp/run/live")
-t, --table string Produce a GET request for the given table (default: supply request by stdin)
-u, --user string LQL user to limit this on
### localserver: Local LQL Server
requires a local lql unix socket
$ lql-api localserver -h
Local LQL Server
Requires a local lql unix socket.
lql-api localserver [site] [flags]
-d, --debug Enable Debug on stderr
-h, --help help for localserver
-t, --htpasswd string htpasswd file (default "/opt/omd/sites/{site}/etc/htpasswd")
-l, --listen string Address to listen on (default ":8080")
-x, --max-conns int maximal Client Connections (default 5)
-m, --min-conns int minimal Client Connections (default 2)
-s, --socket string Socket (default "/opt/omd/sites/{site}/tmp/run/live")
### sshclient: SSH LQL Client
connects to your Server by SSH opens a SSH tunnel to the server's lql Socket and runs a query on it.
$ lql-api sshclient -h
SSH LQL Client
This version connects to the Check_MK Server by SSH.
If you don't provide ssh-keyfile and ssh-password it will use your local agent.
lql-api sshclient [site] [server] [flags]
-c, --columns stringArray Columns to show from the given table, this is required if you give a table!
-d, --debug Enable Debug on stderr
-f, --format string Format one of: python, python3, json, csv, CSV, jsonparsed (default is jsonparsed, I parse json from the server) (default "jsonparsed")
-h, --help help for sshclient
-l, --limit int Limit request lines
-s, --socket string Socket on the Server (default "/opt/omd/sites/{site}/tmp/run/live")
-k, --ssh-keyfile string Keyfile (default "~/.ssh/id_rsa")
-p, --ssh-password string Password
-U, --ssh-user string SSH User (default "root")
-t, --table string Produce a GET request for the given table (default: supply request by stdin)
-u, --user string LQL user to limit this on
### sshserver: SSH LQL Server
Connects to your Server by SSH opens a SSH tunnel to the server's lql Socket and runs an API Server for that socket.
$ lql-api sshserver -h
SSH LQL Server
This version connects to the Check_MK Server by SSH.
If you don't provide ssh-keyfile and ssh-password it will use your local agent.
lql-api sshserver [site] [server] [flags]
-d, --debug Enable Debug on stderr
-h, --help help for sshserver
-t, --htpasswd string htpasswd file, default: NO authentication
-l, --listen string Address to listen on (default ":8080")
-x, --max-conns int maximal Client Connections (default 5)
-m, --min-conns int minimal Client Connections (default 2)
-s, --socket string Socket on the Server (default "/opt/omd/sites/{site}/tmp/run/live")
-k, --ssh-keyfile string Keyfile (default "~/.ssh/id_rsa")
-p, --ssh-password string Password
-U, --ssh-user string SSH User (default "root")
### Version

@ -21,7 +21,5 @@ func Execute() error {
func init() {
// cobra.OnInitialize()
rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&cfgFile, "config", "", "config file (default is $HOME/.cobra.yaml)")
