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from zope.interface import Attribute, Interface
# pylint: disable=E0239,E0213
class IHost(Interface):
Host interface, all Hosts MUST implement this
TYPE = Attribute("""Type of the Host (normaly lowercase of module name)""")
def create_project(source, repo):
Create the repo "repo" on the host
Returns the URL for the created project or False on error.
:return: url or False
def get_url(repo):
Returns the URL for the given repo
and None if not found.
:return: url or None
class IRepo(Interface):
Repo interface, all Repos MUST implement this
TYPE = Attribute("""Type of the Repo (normaly lowercase of module name)""")
def fetch(repo):
Mirrors the source url to the internal store.
:param repo: Internal repo name
:return: boolean
def push(repo):
Push from the internal store to the destination.
:param repo: Internal repo name
:return: boolean
# pylint: enable=E0239,E0213