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package auth
import (
var car = &AuthRegistry[ClientPlugin]{kind: "client", plugins: make(map[string]ClientPlugin)}
var sar = &AuthRegistry[ServerPlugin]{kind: "service", plugins: make(map[string]ServerPlugin)}
var rar = &AuthRegistry[RouterPlugin]{kind: "router", plugins: make(map[string]RouterPlugin)}
func ClientAuthRegistry() *AuthRegistry[ClientPlugin] {
return car
func ServiceAuthRegistry() *AuthRegistry[ServerPlugin] {
return sar
func RouterAuthRegistry() *AuthRegistry[RouterPlugin] {
return rar
type AuthRegistry[T any] struct {
kind string
plugin T
plugins map[string]T
// Register registers a plugin within AuthRegistry
func (r *AuthRegistry[T]) Register(plugin T) {
if s, ok := any(plugin).(registryFuncs); ok {
r.plugins[s.String()] = plugin
// Flags returns a list of cli.Flag's for micro.Service
func (r *AuthRegistry[T]) Flags() []cli.Flag {
flags := []cli.Flag{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("auth2_%s", r.kind),
Usage: fmt.Sprintf("Auth %s Plugin to use", r.kind),
EnvVars: []string{fmt.Sprintf("MICRO_AUTH2_%s", strings.ToUpper(r.kind))},
Value: "noop",
for _, p := range r.plugins {
if p2, ok := any(p).(registryFuncs); ok {
flags = append(flags, p2.Flags()...)
return flags
// Plugin returns the current active Plugin
func (r *AuthRegistry[T]) Plugin() T {
return r.plugin
// Init should be executed in micro.Init
func (r *AuthRegistry[T]) Init(cli *cli.Context, service micro.Service) error {
plugin := cli.String(fmt.Sprintf("auth2_%s", r.kind))
m, ok := r.plugins[plugin]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("unknown MICRO_AUTH2_%s plugin '%s'", strings.ToUpper(r.kind), plugin)
r.plugin = m
m2, _ := any(m).(registryFuncs)
return m2.Init(cli, service)
// Stop should be executed after service.Run()
func (r *AuthRegistry[T]) Stop() error {
m, _ := any(r.plugin).(registryFuncs)
return m.Stop()
// Health returns the health of the plugin
func (r *AuthRegistry[T]) Health(ctx context.Context) (string, error) {
m, _ := any(r.plugin).(registryFuncs)
return m.Health(ctx)