version: '3' dotenv: [".env"] vars: GIT_TAG: sh: git tag --points-at HEAD GIT_COMMIT: sh: git rev-parse --short HEAD GIT_DIRTY: sh: git status -s VERSION: sh: if test "{{.GIT_DIRTY}}" != ""; then echo "{{.GIT_COMMIT}}-dirty"; elif test "{{.GIT_TAG}}" != ""; then echo "{{.GIT_TAG}}"; else echo "{{.GIT_COMMIT}}"; fi PWD: sh: echo $PWD tasks: default: cmds: - task: version - task: volume - task: podman version: desc: Print the version optained from git cmds: - echo "{{.VERSION}}" volume: run: "once" cmds: - podman volume inspect jo_micro-router_go 1>/dev/null 2>&1 || podman volume create jo_micro-router_go builder: desc: Run something in the builder container for example "task builder -- go get -u ./..." cmds: - podman run --rm -v "{{.BUILD_MOUNT_FOLDER_INT}}:{{.BUILD_MOUNT_FOLDER_INT}}" -v "{{.PWD}}:/code" -v "{{.VOLUME_PATH}}:/go:rw" {{.DOCKER_ORG_JO_MICRO}}/builder:latest {{.CLI_ARGS}} vars: VOLUME_PATH: sh: podman volume inspect jo_micro-router_go --format "{{"{{"}}.Mountpoint{{"}}"}}" BUILD_MOUNT_FOLDER_INT: sh: realpath {{.BUILD_MOUNT_FOLDER}} preconditions: - test -n "{{.CLI_ARGS}}" protoc: run: "once" desc: Generate protobruf go files sources: - ./internal/proto/**/*.proto cmds: - task: builder vars: CLI_ARGS: /scripts/ build:podman: sources: - ./go.sum - ./ - ./cmd/microrouterd/**/*.go - ./internal/**/*.go - /*.go deps: - protoc cmds: - podman build -v "{{.BUILD_MOUNT_FOLDER_INT}}:{{.BUILD_MOUNT_FOLDER_INT}}" -v "{{.VOLUME_PATH}}:/go:rw" --build-arg CACHEBUST={{.DATE}} --build-arg VERSION={{.VERSION}} --build-arg=DOCKER_IO={{.DOCKER_IO}} --build-arg=DOCKER_ORG_JO_MICRO={{.DOCKER_ORG_JO_MICRO}} -t {{.DOCKER_ORG_JO_MICRO}}/router:latest -f ./docker/router/Dockerfile . vars: DATE: sh: date -u -Iseconds VOLUME_PATH: sh: podman volume inspect jo_micro-router_go --format "{{"{{"}}.Mountpoint{{"}}"}}" BUILD_MOUNT_FOLDER_INT: sh: realpath {{.BUILD_MOUNT_FOLDER}} podman: desc: Generate docker container for jo-micro/router tagged as {{.DOCKER_ORG_JO_MICRO}}/router:latest cmds: - task: build:podman tidy: desc: Run "go mod tidy" in a container cmds: - task: builder vars: CLI_ARGS: go mod tidy update: desc: Run "go get -u ./..." in a container cmds: - task: builder vars: CLI_ARGS: /scripts/ rm: desc: Remove all persistent data cmds: - podman image rm {{.DOCKER_ORG_JO_MICRO}}/router:latest || exit 0 - podman volume rm jo_micro-router_go || exit 0 - rm -rf $PWD/.task