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date: 2016-04-05T00:17:00+01:00
description: Detailed explanation on HOWTO clone this Plone5 based blog
- Plone
- Blog
- Markdown
title: Howto clone my blog
I open sourced all components of my blog, this post is for anyone who want's the same blog or build one on top of mine.
It's a **step by step guide even for newcomers to Plone**.<!--more-->
### Requirements
- GNU/Linux or Mac OS
- Windows users can use [Vagrant](
### The components of this blog
- []( - A blog for Plone 5.
Ideas have been take from []( and [](
I've written it to learn Plone.
- [plonetheme.persona]( - Port of the clean and well-readable Persona theme to Plone 5.
- First ported by [@aries1980]( to [hugo](
- Then improved by [@pcdummy](
- Now ported to Plone 5 by [@pcdummy](
- [mockup-highlightjs]( - [highlightjs]( for plonetheme.persona.
- []( - A simple integration package
Currently a very simple integration package that installs `` and `plonetheme.persona`.
I plan to extend this via an Upgrade Step to set some options on the site i currently manualy set.
- [rj.buildout](
A buildout based on `starzel/buildout` to generate a Plone site, named last but the root to build
your clone.
### Step by step guide
1.) Install the required packages as documented [here](
sudo apt-get -y install python-setuptools python-dev build-essential libssl-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libbz2-dev libjpeg62-dev virtualenv python-tk python-gdbm
sudo apt-get -y install libreadline-dev wv poppler-utils
sudo apt-get -y install git pwgen
2.) Create a clone of rj.buildout into a folder named `plone`
git clone plone
3.) Create a virtualenv for the buildout (a Python environment inside "plone")
cd plone
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2.7 --no-site-packages .
4.) Install zc.buildout in your new python environment.
./bin/pip install -r requirements.txt
5.) Symlink `local_develop.cfg` to `local.cfg`
ln -s local_develop.cfg local.cfg
6.) Generate a `secret.cfg` for the plone superadmin.
echo -e "[buildout]\nlogin = admin\npassword = $(pwgen -B -1 15)\n" > secret.cfg
cat secret.cfg
**Remember** the **username** and **password** here, you need it later to login to your plone site.
7.) Run "buildout" to download the dependencies, install and compile everything together.
./bin/buildout -N
This will take a while, go get a coffee :)
8.) Run the ZEO Server (the Database server)
./bin/zeoserver start
9.) Run your ZOPE site.
RELOAD_PATH=src/ ./bin/zeoclient_debug fg
10.) Go with a browser to [localhost:8084](http://localhost:8084)
11.) Click on `Create a new Plone site`
12.) Set the "Path identifier" to "Plone" and fill everything else as wanted.
13.) Goto the [Add-ons configurator](http://localhost:8084/Plone/prefs_install_products_form)
And install ``
14.) Next goto the [Markup controlpanel](
And enable the markups you want to write your blog posts in (i personaly prefer Markdown).
### Thanks
This blog and its clone guide wouldn't be possible without:
- [The Plone Community]( Its a great community!
- [The Plone Training]( A good place to look for howto do stuff in Plone.
- [Webmeisterei]( My employer where i learn every day new stuff around Plone.
- [Starzel]( For [starzel/buildout](
- []( Code and idea for have been taken from it.