--- date: 2019-07-17T00:00:00+01:00 title: Kubernetes-Rancher CI/CD Pipeline author: pcdummy tags: - HOWTO - Kubernetes - Rancher - CI/CD - My Blog --- Today I moved my [gohugo.io](https://gohugo.io/) blog from a lxd hosting to our Kubernetes -dev Cluster at the [Webmeisterei](https://webmeisterei.com). We have our own [Gitlab](https://git.webmeisterei.com) so and we run our own registry on the -dev Cluster, I thought it will be easy to do so but it wasn't that easy and I lost about 8 Hours until I found out that had to open the required Ports on the Firewall :). See this works. #### Tools in use - [Rancher](https://rancher.com/) 2.x for Kubernetes with RBAC, Metrics, Logging and much more. - [Gitlab](https://about.gitlab.com/) on-premises alternative to github.com - [Harbor](https://goharbor.io/) not yet in use but will be soon our container registry - [cert-manager](https://github.com/jetstack/cert-manager) - [Let's Encrypt](https://letsencrypt.org/) Let's Encrypt #### The Docker Container I use a [multi-stage build](https://docs.docker.com/develop/develop-images/multistage-build/) to generate the page in a container and serve a copy of the page after in a nginx container. See this [Dockerfile](https://git.webmeisterei.com/jochum/rene.jochums.at/blob/master/Dockerfile) ```bash # Build public with hugo FROM jguyomard/hugo-builder:latest COPY . /build WORKDIR /build RUN hugo -b https://rene.jochums.at -v -t persona # Copy to a nginx container FROM nginx:1.17-alpine COPY docker/nginx/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/ COPY docker/nginx/default.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/ # This is important "COPY --from=0" line where --from=0 means copy from the first container. COPY --from=0 /build/public /var/www/rene.jochums.at ``` #### The Deployment With lots of try-and-error testing I got this [deployment.yaml](https://git.webmeisterei.com/jochum/rene.jochums.at/blob/master/deployment.yaml) together. Its important that you have to add the registry to your Project first, in this case **registry.dev.wmk8s.com**. #### And the pipeline itself The last step after the container and the deployment was to create a .rancher-pipeline.yml in my repo, I used Rancher -> Cluster dev -> Project -> Workloads -> Pipelines to generate it. ```yaml stages: - name: Build steps: - publishImageConfig: dockerfilePath: ./Dockerfile buildContext: . tag: pcdummy/renejochumsat:latest pushRemote: true registry: registry.dev.wmk8s.com - name: Deploy steps: - applyYamlConfig: path: ./deployment.yaml timeout: 60 notification: recipients: - recipient: rene@webmeisterei.com notifier: local:n-mtzwd condition: - Success - Changed - Failed ```