copyright: "This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0)." languageCode: en-us MetaDataFormat: yaml contentdir: content datadir: data publishdir: public canonifyurls: true PostFormat: true blackfriday: Fractions: false hrefTargetBlank: true Extensions: - noEmptyLineBeforeBlock - hardLineBreak title: René Jochum author: name: René Jochum permalinks: # post: /:year/:month/:day/:filename/ post: /:filename/ page: /:filename/ paginate: 10 paginatepath: page indexes: category: categories tag: tags params: ShowTopProfile: true ShowTopSocial: false AuthorName: "René Jochum" # Settings DateFormat: 2. Jan 2006 edit_link_url: description: "Blog of René Jochum - A FOSS enthusiast who's programming since 2002." logo: "/static/author/pcdummy_240x240.png" Social: bitbucket: "pcdummy" # gitlab: pcdummy github: pcdummy # flickr: "pcdummy" # twitter: "pcdummy" # facebook: "pcdummy" linkedin: pcdummy email: skype: pc-dummy Authors: default: pcdummy pcdummy: Name: "René Jochum" Link: "/author/pcdummy/" Avatar: "/static/author/pcdummy_240x240.png" ShortBio: "Is an FOSS enthusiast who has been programming since 2002, currently he loves to develop in Python and Go."