--- date: 2016-07-12T13:00:00+01:00 title: Having fun with Saltstack and ext_pillar mongo author: pcdummy tags: - HOWTO - saltstack --- Today i have written another [Patch](https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/34566) for [salt.pillar.mongo](https://docs.saltstack.com/en/latest/ref/pillar/all/salt.pillar.mongo.html), this patch allows us to include pillar entries from previous files/includes in the current one. This is usefull when you want to calculate for example network data with/or without defaults. ### Code This is my **defaults** file which i have stored in **pillar/pcdummy/roles/base/common_pcdummy**: ```yaml include :l - users.pcdummy - roles.base.common - roles.base.mongodb_client _data: domain: pcdummy.lan aptcacher: address: "http://aptcacher.pcdummy.lan:3142" mail: relayserver: "mx0.lxch.lan" rootalias: "rene@jochums.at" check_mk: ipv6: True only_from: '::1 fd57:1:see:bad:c0de::14' network: managed: False pubinterface: eth0 # Take hosts entries from this interface. intinterface: eth0 interfaces: eth0: enabled: True configure: True type: eth noifupdown: True ipv4netmask: ipv4gateway: ipv6netmask: 64 ipv6gateway: 'fe80::1' resolver: nameservers: - fd57:1:see:bad:c0de::18 search: - pcdummy.lan ``` This is the **host definition** for the host `srv01.pcdummy.lan` which is stored in the mongodb and which will be retrieved over ext_pillar mongo. ```json { "_id" : "srv01.pcdummy.lan", "include" : [ { "file" : "roles.base.common_pcdummy", "saltenv" : "pcdummy" }, { "file" : "global.generator", "saltenv" : "pcdummy" }, { "file" : "roles.base.server", "saltenv" : "pcdummy" }, { "file" : "roles.base.postfix-relayclient", "saltenv" : "pcdummy" } ], "_data" : { "network" : { "managed" : true, "pubinterface" : "lanbr0", "intinterface" : "lanbr0", "interfaces" : { "eth0" : { "configure" : false, "bridge" : "lanbr0" }, "lanbr0" : { "enabled" : true, "configure" : true, "type" : "bridge", "ipv4address" : "", "ipv4netmask" : "", "ipv4gateway" : "", "ipv6address" : "fd57:1:see:bad:c0de::14", "pubipv6address" : "2001:1:see:bad:c0de::14", "ipv6addresses" : [ "2001:1:see:bad:c0de::14/64" ], "ipv6netmask" : "64", "ipv6gateway" : "fe80::1", "ports" : "eth0", "stp" : "off", "delay" : "0", "maxwait" : 0, "fd" : 0 } } } } } ``` And this is the generator stored in **pillar/pcdummy/global/generator.sls** which generates pillar data from the above merged data. ```yaml #!jinja|yaml # vi: set ft=yaml.jinja : {% set data = pillar.get('_data', {'network': {'managed': False}}) %} {% if data.get('network', False) and data.network.get('managed', False) %} network: {%- if salt['grains.get']('os_family') == 'Debian' %} pkgs: purged: - resolvconf {% endif -%} interfaces: {% for name, interface in data.network.interfaces.items() %} {% if 'configure' in interface and interface.configure %} - name: {{ name }} enabled: {{ interface.get('enabled', False) }} proto: static type: {{ interface.type }} {% if 'noifupdown' in interface %} noifupdown: {{ interface.noifupdown }} {% endif %} {% if 'ipv4address' in interface %} ipaddr: {{ interface.ipv4address }} netmask: {{ interface.ipv4netmask }} {% endif %} {% if 'ipv4gateway' in interface %} gateway: '{{ interface.ipv4gateway }}' {% endif %} {% if 'pointopoint' in interface %} pointopoint: '{{ interface.pointopoint }}' {% endif %} {% if 'ipv6address' in interface %} enable_ipv6: True ipv6proto: static ipv6ipaddr: '{{ interface.ipv6address }}' ipv6netmask: {{ interface.ipv6netmask }} {% if 'ipv6gateway' in interface %} ipv6gateway: '{{ interface.ipv6gateway }}' {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if 'bridge' in interface %} bridge: {{ interface.bridge }} {% endif %} {% if 'delay' in interface %} delay: {{ interface.delay }} {% endif %} {% if 'ports' in interface %} ports: {{ interface.ports }} {% endif %} {% if 'stp' in interface %} stp: {{ interface.stp }} {% endif %} {% if 'maxwait' in interface %} maxwait: {{ interface.maxwait }} {% endif %} {% if 'fd' in interface %} fd: {{ interface.maxwait }} {% endif %} {% if 'pre_up_cmds' in interface %} pre_up_cmds: {%- for cmd in interface.pre_up_cmds %} - {{ cmd }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if 'ipv4routes' in interface or 'ipv6routes' in interface or 'ipv6addresses' in interface or 'up_cmds' in interface %} up_cmds: {%- if 'ipv4routes' in interface %} {%- for route in interface.ipv4routes %} - /sbin/ip -4 route add {{ route }} dev $IFACE {% endfor %} {% endif %} {%- if 'ipv6routes' in interface %} {%- for route in interface.ipv6routes %} - /sbin/ip -6 route add {{ route }} dev $IFACE {% endfor %} {% endif %} {%- if 'ipv6addresses' in interface %} {%- for address in interface.ipv6addresses %} - /sbin/ip -6 addr add {{ address }} dev $IFACE {% endfor %} {% endif %} {%- if 'up_cmds' in data.network %} {%- for cmd in data.network.up_cmds %} - {{ cmd }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} resolver: domain: {{ data.domain }} search: {%- for search in data.network.resolver.search %} - {{ search }} {% endfor %} nameservers: {%- for nameserver in data.network.resolver.nameservers %} - {{ nameserver }} {% endfor %} {% else %} network: {% endif %} hostsfile: fqdn: {{ salt['grains.get']('fqdn') }} hostname: {{ salt['grains.get']('host') }} {% if 'check_mk' in data %} check_mk: agent: ipv6: {{ data.check_mk.ipv6 }} only_from: {{ data.check_mk.only_from }} {% endif %} {% if data.get('aptcacher', False) and data.aptcacher.get('address', False) %} apt: configs: 01proxy: content: | # This file managed by Salt, do not edit by hand! Acquire::http::Proxy "{{ data.aptcacher.address }}"; Acquire::https { Proxy "false"; }; {% endif %} ``` This uses the following states: - [apt](https://github.com/pcdummy/saltstack-apt-formula) - [network](https://github.com/pcdummy/saltstack-network-formula) - check_mk - not available to public yet. ### The result ```yaml network: ---------- hostsfile: ---------- fqdn: srv01.pcdummy.lan hostname: srv01 interfaces: |_ ---------- delay: 0 enable_ipv6: True enabled: True fd: 0 gateway: ipaddr: ipv6gateway: fe80::1 ipv6ipaddr: fd57:1:see:bad:c0de::14 ipv6netmask: 64 ipv6proto: static maxwait: 0 name: lanbr0 netmask: ports: eth0 proto: static stp: False type: bridge up_cmds: - /sbin/ip -6 addr add 2001:1:see:bad:c0de::14/64 dev $IFACE pkgs: ---------- purged: - resolvconf resolver: ---------- domain: pcdummy.lan nameservers: - fd57:1:see:bad:c0de::18 search: - pcdummy.lan ``` ### So how does this work 1. salt.pillar.mongo retrieves the **host definition** from the mongodb. 2. It includes the **defaults** file and merges the host definition over the defaults. 3. It includes the **generator** with the current data stored in the **pillar** variable. 4. The generator generates the pillar data. ### Thanks ... Thanks for reading, please leave a comment about this.