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2016-07-09T00:17:00+01:00 Detailed explanation on HOWTO move your Saltstack tops and pillar data to MongoDB
Howto move Saltstack tops and pillar contents to MongoDB

I'm a heavy user of Saltstack, on my home network i develop salt states and test new stuff and on my production servers i use the results of my development at home.

My motiviation for this:

  • I have a dream of automated deployed LXD containers which you can manage with a web interface like Froxlor.
  • I want a database where i can easily modify contents with a script.


  • Knowledge of Saltstack
  • Knowledge of MongoDB

Salt Modules in use

Here comes the step-by-step guide

1.) Install MongoDB somewhere and create some users

a.) Go to the MongoDB installation guide for install instructions.

b.) Create a superadmin user

Open a mongo shell:


And insert the following (replace the username and password!).

use admin;
db.createUser({ user: "<replace with your username>",
  pwd: "<replace with your cleartext password>",
  roles: [
    { role: "clusterAdmin", db: "admin" },
    { role: "userAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin" },
    { role: "readWriteAnyDatabase", db: "admin" },
    { role: "dbAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin" },

c.) Configure MongoDB to enforce authentication:

Add this to your /etc/mongd.conf:

  authorization: enabled

And restart MongoDB:

service mongod restart

d.) Create a user and Database for your saltmaster:

Open a mongo shell and login

mongo -u <username from above> --authenticationDatabase admin -p
use saltstack;
db.createUser({ user: "saltmaster",
  pwd: "<replace with your cleartext password for the saltmaster user>",
  roles: [
    { role: "readWrite", db: "saltstack" },

2.) Configure your saltmaster to use salt_tops and salt_pillar with the MongoDB

a.) Open /etc/salt/master and insert

    id_field: _id
    collection: salt_tops

  - mongo: {collection: salt_pillar}

ext_pillar_first: false

#####   mongodb connection settings  #####
mongo.db: saltstack
mongo.indexes: true <your mongo host>
mongo.user: saltmaster
mongo.password: <your saltmaster mongo password>
mongo.port: 27017

You can also use the salt-formula, but you need the latest version with my PR

b.) Restart your salt-master

service salt-master restart

3.) Create some tops and pillars

I use robomongo for that, its a Desktop app with functionality like phpMyAdmin. To convert my old YAML files to JSON i use: YAML to JSON.

a.) An example top in the collection salt_tops

    "_id" : "apu1d4.pcdummy.lan",
    "states" : [
    "environment" : "pcdummy"

b.) An example pillar entry in the collection salt_pillar

This uses my mongo include patch which you can optain from Salt PR #34566

    "_id" : "apu1d4.pcdummy.lan",
    "include" : [
            "file" : "roles.base.server",
            "saltenv" : "pcdummy"
            "file" : "roles.base.lxc",
            "saltenv" : "pcdummy"
            "file" : "roles.base.sysctl_container_host",
            "saltenv" : "pcdummy"
            "file" : "roles.base.postfix-relayclient",
            "saltenv" : "pcdummy"
    "grub" : {
        "lookup" : {
            "config" : {
                "manage" : [
        "default_config" : {
            "content" : "GRUB_DEFAULT=0\nGRUB_TIMEOUT=10\nGRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=`lsb_release -i -s 2> /dev/null || echo Debian`\nGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=\"quiet cgroup_enable=memory swapaccount=1\"\nGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=\"console=ttyS0,115200n8 earlyprint=ttyS0,115200n8\"\nGRUB_TERMINAL=serial\nGRUB_SERIAL_COMMAND=\"serial --unit=0 --speed=115200 --word=8 --parity=no --stop=1\"\n"
    "network" : {
        "hosts" : [
                "name" : "apu1d4.pcdummy.lan",
                "ip" : "fd57:c87d:f1ee:ee00::1"
        "resolver" : {
            "domain" : "pcdummy.lan",
            "search" : [
            "nameservers" : [
    "lxc" : {
        "default_conf" : [
                "" : "veth"
                "" : "apubr0"
                "" : "up"
                "" : "00:16:3e:02:xx:xx"
        "users" : {
            "lxd" : {
                "interfaces" : {
                    "apubr0" : {
                        "type" : "veth",
                        "count" : 100
    "softether" : {
        "lookup" : {
            "client_svc_onboot" : true
        "interface" : {
            "enabled" : true,
            "name" : "vpn_gw0",
            "ipv4address" : "",
            "ipv4netmask" : "",
            "ipv6enabled" : true,
            "ipv6address" : "fd57:c87d:f1ee:f003::ee00:1",
            "ipv6netmask" : 64
    "bird" : {
        "bird_cfg" : "log syslog { info, remote, warning, error, auth, fatal, bug };\nlog stderr all;\n\nrouter id;\n\nprotocol kernel {\n        learn;\n        persist;\n        scan time 20;\n        import all;\n        export all;\n}\n\nprotocol device {\n        scan time 10;           # Scan interfaces every 10 seconds\n}\n\nprotocol ospf main {\n        import all;\n        export all;\n\n        area {\n                interface \"apubr0\";\n                interface \"vpn_gw0\";\n        };\n}\n",
        "bird6_cfg" : "log syslog { info, remote, warning, error, auth, fatal, bug };\nlog stderr all;\n\nrouter id;\n\nfunction is_default() { return net ~ [ ::/0 ]; }\n\nprotocol kernel {\n        learn;\n        persist;\n        scan time 20;\n        import all;\n        export all;\n}\n\nprotocol device {\n        scan time 10;           # Scan interfaces every 10 seconds\n}\n\nprotocol ospf main {\n        import all;\n        export filter {\n                if (is_default()) then reject;\n                accept;\n        };\n\n        area 0 {\n                interface \"apubr0\";\n                interface \"vpn_gw0\";\n        };\n}\n\nprotocol radv {\n    interface \"apubr0\";\n    prefix fd57:c87d:f1ee:ee00::/64;\n    prefix 2001:470:b718:ee00::/64;\n\n    rdnss fd57:c87d:f1ee:ee00:f::18;\n\n    dnssl {\n      domain \"pcdummy.lan\";\n    };\n}\n"

4.) Check if your tops and pillar.items are right

On the saltmaster

a.) For the tops

salt apu1d4.pcdummy.lan state.show_top

b.) For the pillar

salt apu1d4.pcdummy.lan pillar.items

5.) Leave a comment about this HOWTO

Any suggestions? Or did it help you? Please leave a comment.