You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

70 lines
1.7 KiB

package lql
import (
auth ""
log ""
ginlogrus ""
type Server struct {
fizz *fizz.Fizz
htpasswdPath string
func NewServer(client *Client, logger *log.Logger, htpasswdPath string) (*Server, error) {
engine := gin.New()
engine.Use(ginlogrus.Logger(logger), gin.Recovery(), clientInjectorMiddleware(client))
Logger = logger
fizz := fizz.NewFromEngine(engine)
// Override type names.
// fizz.Generator().OverrideTypeName(reflect.TypeOf(Fruit{}), "SweetFruit")
// Initialize the informations of
// the API that will be served with
// the specification.
infos := &openapi.Info{
Title: "LQL API",
Description: `This is the LQL API for your check_mk Server.`,
Version: "unset",
// Create a new route that serve the OpenAPI spec.
fizz.GET("/openapi.json", nil, fizz.OpenAPI(infos, "json"))
// Setup routes.
v1Group := fizz.Group("/v1", "v1", "LQL API v1")
if htpasswdPath != "" {
htpasswd := auth.HtpasswdFileProvider(htpasswdPath)
authenticator := auth.NewBasicAuthenticator("LQL API", htpasswd)
// routes(fizz.Group("/market", "market", "Your daily dose of freshness"))
if len(fizz.Errors()) != 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("fizz errors: %v", fizz.Errors())
return &Server{fizz: fizz, htpasswdPath: htpasswdPath}, nil
func (s *Server) ListenAndServe(address string) {
srv := &http.Server{
Addr: address,
Handler: s.fizz,