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2016-04-05T00:17:00+01:00 Detailed explanation on HOWTO clone this Plone5 based blog
Howto clone my blog

I open sourced all components of my blog, this post is for anyone who want's the same blog or build one on top of mine. It's a step by step guide even for newcomers to Plone.


  • GNU/Linux or Mac OS
  • Windows users can use Vagrant

The components of this blog

  • - A blog for Plone 5.

    Ideas have been take from and

    I've written it to learn Plone.

  • plonetheme.persona - Port of the clean and well-readable Persona theme to Plone 5.

  • mockup-highlightjs - highlightjs for plonetheme.persona.

  • - A simple integration package

    Currently a very simple integration package that installs and plonetheme.persona.

    I plan to extend this via an Upgrade Step to set some options on the site i currently manualy set.

  • rj.buildout

    A buildout based on starzel/buildout to generate a Plone site, named last but the root to build your clone.

Step by step guide

1.) Install the required packages as documented here

sudo apt-get -y install python-setuptools python-dev build-essential libssl-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libbz2-dev libjpeg62-dev virtualenv python-tk python-gdbm
sudo apt-get -y install libreadline-dev wv poppler-utils
sudo apt-get -y install git pwgen

2.) Create a clone of rj.buildout into a folder named plone

git clone plone

3.) Create a virtualenv for the buildout (a Python environment inside "plone")

cd plone
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2.7 --no-site-packages .

4.) Install zc.buildout in your new python environment.

./bin/pip install -r requirements.txt

5.) Symlink local_develop.cfg to local.cfg

ln -s local_develop.cfg local.cfg

6.) Generate a secret.cfg for the plone superadmin.

echo -e "[buildout]\nlogin = admin\npassword = $(pwgen -B -1 15)\n" > secret.cfg
cat secret.cfg

Remember the username and password here, you need it later to login to your plone site.

7.) Run "buildout" to download the dependencies, install and compile everything together.

./bin/buildout -N

This will take a while, go get a coffee :)

8.) Run the ZEO Server (the Database server)

./bin/zeoserver start

9.) Run your ZOPE site.

RELOAD_PATH=src/ ./bin/zeoclient_debug fg

10.) Go with a browser to localhost:8084

11.) Click on Create a new Plone site

12.) Set the "Path identifier" to "Plone" and fill everything else as wanted.

13.) Goto the Add-ons configurator

And install

14.) Next goto the Markup controlpanel

And enable the markups you want to write your blog posts in (i personaly prefer Markdown).


This blog and its clone guide wouldn't be possible without: