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date: 2015-06-14T00:19:30+01:00
title: Pulseaudio as network audio sender/receiver
author: pcdummy
- Howto
- Linux
- Pulseaudio
- Network Audio
I use Pulseaudio to send my audio to a different computer where i have a sound system plugged in,
and i switch between computers with sound stations.
This howto will help you to create you'r own OSS Network audio sender and receiver.<!--more-->
#### This is what i do on each receivers (servers)
You might want to change **** to your own IPv4 subnet you want allow to send audio.
mkdir $HOME/.pulse
cp /etc/pulse/ $HOME/.pulse
echo "load-module module-native-protocol-tcp auth-ip-acl=;" >> $HOME/.pulse/
pulseaudio --kill
sleep 2
pulseaudio -D
#### On the sender (client)
On the client i create multible configurations, change **<name>** to your name you want. (like home/company/friend).
mkdir $HOME/.pulse
cp /etc/pulse/client.conf $HOME/.pulse/client-nonet.conf
cp /etc/pulse/client.conf $HOME/.pulse/client-<name>.conf
echo "default-server =" >> $HOME/.pulse/client.conf
#### Receiver switch script (on the client)
I use this script to change between receivers, sometimes i need to call it twice to work.
mkdir $HOME/bin
source $HOME/.bashrc
cat << 'EOF' > $HOME/bin/pulseswitch
if test -z "$1"; then
echo "USAGE: pulseswitch [nonet|<your-config>]"
exit 1
echo "Switching to \"$1\"."
/bin/ln -fs $HOME/.pulse/client-$1.conf $HOME/.pulse/client.conf
/usr/bin/pulseaudio --kill
/usr/bin/pulseaudio -D
if [ "x$1" = "xnonet" ]; then
echo "Unloading the net module."
/usr/bin/pactl unload-module module-native-protocol-tcp
echo "Loading the net module."
/usr/bin/pactl load-module module-native-protocol-tcp
/usr/bin/pulseaudio --kill
/usr/bin/pulseaudio -D